Stop Letting Fear Hold You Back


Do one thing every day that scares you.

I’ve been trying to live by this motto for a while now. I don’t want to go through life being “safe,” never escaping my comfort zone. I want to try new things that I normally wouldn’t, and do some stuff that would be uncharacteristic of me otherwise.

So I fairly recently got a new job. Now, this might not sound scary to most people, but it was for me. I haven’t worked a steady job outside of my home for a while, and though the idea excited me, it also made me nervous. 

First, there was the interview. Then, the second interview. Then, the job offer. Every step in the process made me a little anxious. Then came the job training.  A lot of it was computer-based, which didn’t scare me, but when we got to the hands-on portion…well, there’s a lot to know when it comes to selling shoes. A lot more than I’d have ever thought about. So I was pretty nervous as I learned each new aspect, trying to cram room in my already full brain for more information that needed to fit in somewhere.

The good part about this has been that everyone who’s trained me has been super nice and understanding. They’re not expecting me to learn everything perfectly the first time, as they’ve been through the process, too. That’s what’s made this whole experience so great – the people.

My first actual day on the job was an eight-hour day. I was completely freaking out before I went in, wondering how I’d pull this off, considering I didn’t feel too prepared…at all. But I got there and I think it went extremely well. One of the customers I helped told a manager that I was “very, very helpful and very nice,” and the manager told me that I “did amazing.” Those are always reassuring words. Plus I got to meet a lot of new, nice people…and be surrounded by the loves of my life. Shoes!

So take a risk. Apply for that job you think you’ll never get, or maybe you even think you’re “above” it. Well, times are tough. Sometimes you might need to swallow your pride and go after what you can get. You never know how it’ll turn out…maybe it’s where you’re meant to be. At least for right now.

And this philosophy doesn’t only apply to the job market. Doing things that scare you could include asking someone on a date who you’ve been too afraid to approach. Or signing up for a class you’ve been too nervous to commit to. This applies to any area of life. It’s just something that’s become sort of a personal challenge to me, a way to live life to its fullest, I guess. 

Do one thing every day that scares you.

The point is, to get up, and walk right out of your comfort zone. You could even run out of it.  Or saunter. Skip! Regardless…

I can sell you the shoes.